Jessica Simpson body by New Years…?? We’ll see!

So I’m well aware I need a healthy, fit body for farm life. And I will admit.. I have gained 20 pounds in the last year and a half since I quit smoking. Yeah, I know. Cliche excuse. Whatever the case, it’s time to shape up. Exercise is part of any and every happy life I read or know about. And at the verge of 29.. 20 extra pounds does not make for a happy camper or a full closet because nothing fits. So, what do do? Repin Jessica Simpson’s Daisy Duke workout. Brilliant! I wanna look just like that 🙂Image After you see this picture, who doesn’t want to look like that? Michael definitely approves 😉 I’m on week 2 doing the workout 4 days a week vs. her 5 days. It is getting easier. The first week, I didn’t push myself because I didn’t want to get overwhelmed by a hard workout and just quit. I took breaks between sets of everything it seemed! I don’t have a treadmill, but I do have a bike that I love riding. I alternate this in for treadmill time. If it’s too cold, I do jumping jacks. I had to YouTube a couple of the exercises to see not only how, but how at home with two 5 lb dumbells.

This week, I’ve been excited everyday to do the workout, the complete workout I might add 🙂 And I can feel it, oh man! I think that’s why I’m so excited. Whether or not I end up looking like Jess or not (I don’t ever think I’ll be that airbrushed tan) I’m definitely on my way to a better body, my old wardrobe and a big puff to my self esteem. I just got to keep it up. One day at a time, I’ll get there

Here’s what Jessica Simpson did 5 times a week for her Daisy Duke body..

  • 10 min treadmill warmup (walk to jog)
  • 2 or 3 x 20 reps dumbell rows in squat position
  • 2/3 x 20 reps squats
  • 2/3 x 20 reps lying dumbell tricep extensions
  • 3 x 12 reps reverse lunges (per leg)
  • 8 min treadmill run
  • 3 x 18 reps bicep curls in lunge position (per leg)
  • 3 x 18 reps lateral raise in lunge position (per leg)
  • 8 min treadmill run
  • 20 x incline crunches
  • 3 x 18 reps prone kneeling leg extensions (per leg)
  • 3 x 15 reps forward lunges (per leg)
  • 8 min treadmill cooldown (jog to walk)

2 thoughts on “Jessica Simpson body by New Years…?? We’ll see!

  1. What an inspiration! I’m still working on the baby weight – a year and a half later! Hehe. Our new farm is proving to be exercise enough – if mucking stalls, chasing chickens, sawing trees, clearing brush and turning the entire garden doesn’t do it, nothing will. 🙂

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